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GSM-120GSM行動電話無線防盜系統 HOME » 上偉科技企業有限公司 » 電子型錄




GSM-120 GSM行動電話無線防盜系統


GSM-120 GSM 行動電話無線防盜系統


  • 標準配備:無線位置檢知器(DS-121)*2個,警報器*1個。
  • 透過GSM行動電話完成家庭保全,沒有距離限制,使用者可以在世界任何地方監視家裡的門窗狀況。
  • 如果房子發生不平常的中斷,用戶的行動電話將立即得到 SMS 簡訊警報消息。
  • 標準配備的2個無線位置檢知器(DS-121),不需要任何的佈線,用戶能輕易在門或者窗子上安裝DS-121。 當賊闖入房子時,蜂鳴器將響並且把SMS 警報消息送到用戶的行動電話。
  • 內建蜂鳴訊號源接續有線警報器是標準附件。 另可追加附件無線警報蜂鳴器(WB-122)可供選擇。
  • 系統內有內建一組繼電器,可以透過手機控制家中的電器設備
  • 當戶打算用無線控制電器產品時候,無線繼電器(WR-123)是可選擇的附件。
  • 所有設定皆儲存於EEPROM IC,不會遺失。
  • 可預置3組電話號碼.,警報時 SMS 簡訊將順序寄給此 3 個用戶
  • 經由行動電話將 SMS 簡訊命令寄給主機後,主機會以SMS 簡訊確認的消息回傳給行動電話,安全無損失。
  • SMS延遲時間,SMS 重複時間,蜂鳴器延遲時間,蜂鳴器重複時間可靈活是預置的。
  • 背光點陣式 LCD ,能將訊息看清楚。
  • 行動電話能顯示系統的狀態
  • 行動電話能開/關系統警報功能。
  • 內建 GSM 雙頻 900/1800MHz 模組。
  • 容易的操作和 D.I.Y 安裝。
  • 很少和限制 SMS 簡訊指令。 智能化的應用,革新,寬帶,沒有限制。
  • 應用︰ 家安全系統。 建造監督。 工業安全系統。 遙控電器系統(電燈,幫浦,加熱器,冰箱...)
  • Size:193 X 149 X 46mm

  • Home security system via GSM mobile phone, no distance limitation.
  • If the house is happened the unusual interrupt, user's mobile phone will receive the alarm SMS message immediately.
  • Two wireless detect switches ( DS-121, included ), user can install the DS-121 on the door or window easily. When the thief interrupt the house, buzzer will sound and send the SMS alarm message to the mobile.
  • Build in alarm buzzer output, wire buzzer is the standard accessory. Wireless alarm buzzer ( WB-122 ) is available as the optional accessory.
  • Build in one relay output, user can control ( ON/OFF ) the home electrical equipment via the mobile phone.
  • Wireless relay ( WR-123 ) is the optional accessory. When user intend to control the electrical appliance, it is not necessary use the wires to connect the main system if via WR-123.
  • All setting value will be saved into EEPROM IC, no loss.
  • Allow to preset three telephone no., alarm SMS will be send to three users in sequence.
  • After the SMS command send by mobile phone, the confirm message will be send back to the mobile, safety and no loss.
  • SMS delay time, SMS repeat time, buzzer delay time, buzzer repeat time can be preset flexibly.
  • Dot matrix LCD display with back light, can display all the system information clearly.
  • Mobile telephone can call the status of the system.
  • Mobile telephone can ON/OFF the alarm function.
  • Build GSM mobile modem ( dual band, 900/1800 MHz ).
  • Easy operation and installation, can D.I.Y by the user.
  • Few and limit SMS command. Intelligent application , innovation, wide range, no limitation.
  • Application : Home security system. Building supervision. Industrial security system. Remote control the electrical system ( Lighting, Pump, Heater, Refrigerator, Pets feeder.. )
  • 規格

    顯示幕 (DISPLAY)

    Dot-matrix LCD with back light 16 characters x 2 line.

    GSM 模組 (GSM Modem)

    900/1800 MHz, dual band.

    LED 指示器 (LED Indicators)

    7 LED Indicators :GSM indicator;System indicator;SMS alarm indicator;Buzzer alarm off indicator;Detect switch indicator;Buzzer indicator;Control relay indicator

    偵測開關輸入 (Detect Switch Inputs)

    * Whole system included two " Wireless detect switches " ( DS-121 ) as the standard accessories. User can install DS-121 on the door or window easily.
       When the thief interrupt the house,the buzzer will sound and send the SMS warning message to the mobile phone.
    * If need more doors ( windows ) to install the extra " Wireless detect switches ", the DS-121 is offered as the optional accessory.
    * No number of the DS-121 that can be installed are no limited. Any DS-121 is interrupted, the system will send the warning alarm message to mobile.

    蜂鳴器輸出 (Buzzer Output)

    Buzzer output terminal can connect the " Wire buzzer " ( standard accessory ).
    When thief interrupt the house, the buzzer will sound.

    繼電器輸出 (Relay Output)

    * Build one control relay output ( NO, normal open ) , user can control the home electrical appliance via mobile phone.
    * Max. load of control relay : 1 ACA/250 ACV;1 DCA/24 DCV

    無線蜂鳴器介面 (Wireless Buzzer Interface)

    Can cooperate the " Wireless Buzzer " ( WB-122, optional ). User can hide the main system of GSM-120 and only present the WB-122 in the obviously place, then the thief will not find the main system ( GSM-120 ) easily.

    無線繼電器介面 (Wireless Relay Interface)

    Can cooperate the " Wireless Relay unit " ( WR-123, optional ). User intend to control the electrical appliance, it is not necessary use the wires to connect to the main system if via WR-123.

    無線偵測器頻率 (Frequency of Wireless Detect Switch)

    433.92 MHz.

    操作溫度 (Operating Temperature)

    0 to 50 ℃ ( 32 to 122℉ )

    操作溼度 (Operating Humidity)

    Less than 80% RH.

    供應電源 (Power supply)

    Main unit:DC 9V, via adapter in.
    Detect Switch:Battery, 006P, DC 9V.

    消耗電源 (Power consumption)

    Main unit
    GSM module working : Approx. DC 210 mA
    GSM module standby : Approx. DC 125 mA
    Detect Switch
    Normal : No current consumption.
    Interrupt : DC 5.8 mA

    尺寸大小 (Size)

    Main unit:193 x 149 x 46 mm ( 7.6 x 4.9 x 1.8 inch ).
    Detect Switch:11 x 3.4 x 2.6 mm ( 4.3 x 1.3 x 1.0 inch ).

    重量 (Weight)

    Main unit:500 g ( 1.1 LB ).
    Detect Switch:87 g ( 0.19 LB ).* Included battery

    附件組合 (Accessories includes)

    Operation manual......................... 1 PC
    Wireless detect switch, DS-121 .................................................... 2 sets
    AC 100V-240V/DC ( 9V, 1A ) power adapter.............................. 1 PC
    Antenna ...................................... 1 PC
    Buzzer with two wires................. 1 PC
    Double side stick sponge .............. 1 set

    選購配件 (Optional Accessories)

    Wireless Buzzer unit, Model : WB-122
    Wireless Relay unit, Model : WR-123

    標準認證 (Standard)

    CE conformity


    GSM-120 GSM 行動電話無線防盜系統

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    GSM-120 GSM行動電話防盜系統資料說明

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