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DM-6052迷你型交直流鉤錶 HOME » 上偉科技企業有限公司 » 電子型錄


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DM-6052 迷你型交直流鉤錶


DM-6052 迷你型交直流鉤錶


  • 交直流電流:0A ~ 200A ±1.2% 
  • 直流電壓:0V ~ 200V ±0.8% 
  • 交流電壓:0V ~ 500V ±1% 
  • 電阻:0 ~ 200歐姆 ±1% 
  • 讀值鎖定功能 
  • 鉤部口徑19mm 
  • Size:180 X 47 X 35mm 


Miniature type, easy to carry out & operation.

Measure DCA or ACA on the inductive conductor.

High precision for low DCA & ACA current measurement.

Built-in DATA HOLD function.

Crystal time base, high quality.

LCD display allows clear readout even at high ambient light level.

LSI circuit provides high reliability and durability.

Overload protection circuit is provided for all range.

Design to meet IEC safety requirement.

Built-in one fuse on the input terminal for user safety consideration.

Compact, light weight and excellent operation.


顯示 (Display)

13 mm (0.5") LCD, 3 1/2 digits. Max. indication 1999.

測量範圍 (Measurement Range)

ACA, ACV, DCA, DCV, Resistance, Data hold

極性 (Polarity)

Automatic Switching, '-' indicates negative polarity.

電流感應器 (Current Sensor)

Hall effect sensors.

歸零調整 (Zero Adjustment)

DCA : External knob adjust.
Other rfunctions : Automatic zero adj.

輸入過載指示 (Over-input indicator)

Indication of '1' or '-1'.

取樣時間 (Sampling Time)

Approx. 0.4 second.

保險絲保護 (Fuse Protection)

Input circuit build a 500 mA fuse for user safety consideration.

電池 (Battery)

DC 9V battery, heavy duty or Alkaline type, 006P, MN1604 ( PP3) or equivalent.

時基 (Time base)

Quartz crystal, 32768 Hz.

電源消耗 (Power Consumption)

Voltage & ohm range: Approx. DC 6 mA.
Current range : Approx. DC 12 mA.

操作溫度 (Operating Temp.)

0 ℃ to 50 ℃ (32 ℉ to 122 ℉).

操作溼度 (Operating Humidity)

Less than 80% RH.

重量 (Weight)

225g/0.5LB(including battery)

體積 (Dimensions)

HWD 180 x 47 x 35 mm. (7.1 x 1.9 x 1.4 inch).

鉤部口徑 (Max. Conductor Size)

19 mm Dia

附件 (Accessories Included)

Red and Black Test Leads ..... 1 pair.
Operation manual..................... 1 PC.
Carrying case ....................1 PC

選購轉換器 (Optional Adapters)

Temperature Adapter, Light Adapter, Anemometer Adapter, EMF Adapter, Tachometer Adapter, RH Adapter, 50 Amp Shunt, High Voltage Probe..

電器規格 (23±5 ℃)

Function Range Resolution Accuracy Overload Protection
DC Voltage 200 V 0.1 V ± (0.8 % + 1 d) AC 500V rms

DC 500V

AC Voltage

( 50/60Hz )

500 V 1 V ± ((1 % + 2 d) AC 500V rms
DC Current    200 A 0.1 A ± (1.2 % + 5 d) 300 ACA

(within 1 minute)

AC Current    20 A ( 0.1 A) 0.01 A ± (1.2 % + 5 d) 300 ACA

(within 1 minute)

200 A 0.1 A
Resistance 200 ohm 0.1 ohm ± ((1 % + 1 d) AC/DC 400V
Data Hold Available for all functions to keep the data hold on the display .
Remarks :

Input impedance for ACV & DCV range is 10 M ohm.

ACA specification be tested on sine wave 50/60 Hz.



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DM-6052 迷你型交直流鉤錶

DM-6052 迷你型交直流鉤錶


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DM-6052 迷你型交直流鉤錶資料說明

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DM-6052 迷你型交直流鉤錶操作手冊


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